OpenText QMS文件清单及使用原则和方法

摘要:OpenText QMS文件清单及使用原则和方法

Dear All,



In order to all of Stago China employee use QMS file correctly, Would you please find enclosed “OpenText QMS File List-201912 and attached self-training material: QMS file using principles and method”?

为了便于所有思塔高中国的员工正确使用QMS文件,请您查收附件中更新的“OpenText QMS文件清单-201912及需要大家自学的培训资料:QMS文件使用原则和方法


All the staffs, especially regional personnel can easily find the files by the title of English or reference in the list which you have permission to use in OpenText. Besides, if you finish the relevant file’s read for applying task in time, you can access the ”List of applicable documents” of home page and find the QMS files related to your daily work conveniently.

所有人员,特别是区域的人员可以通过该清单的英文文件名称或文件编号在OpenText里轻松找到你有权限使用的文件。另外,如果你及时完成了相关文件的应用阅读,还可通过访问你OpenText主页中的”List of applicable documents”,一键方便的看到与你日常工作直接相关的QMS文件。



Office colleagues also can find this list via the following link.


U:\intersites\pek-fac-sha\OpenText QMS File List


There is no new added or canceled OP and/or OM in this month, also no major revision finished in this month.



Remind for you please comply with the following principles when you using QMS file:



3 Key Principles of using QMS files:


1. Do not usefiles or record templates that have been kept on your local hard drive. 不使用过去硬盘里保留的文件或记录模板。

2. “Do not downloadthe QMS file to your local hard drive after you read it. 阅读QMS文件后不下载到个人本地硬盘。

3. Do not forwarddownloaded file to other colleagues and external interested party for using. 不转发曾经下载的文件给他人和外部相关方使用。


Please each user follow below right principle when use QMS file:


1. Open and using the latest applicable files with OpenText directly. 直接在OpenText系统里打开最新版适用的文件并使用。

2. Use the reference of QMS file list, log in OpenText and use “Research” function in homepage for find files. 利用QMS文件清单中的编号,登录OpenText主页通过“查找”功能找到所需文件。

3. Read applicable files in time, understand the requirement of company and workflow, you can log in OpenText and use “My Assignment” function in homepage for find your “Read for Applying” task. 及时阅读适用的文件,明白相关的公司及工作流程要求,您可以登录OpenText主页通过“我的任务”查找到需要您“应用阅读”的文件。

发布者:系统管理员 admin1   点击数:111   发布时间:2020-01-02 08:45:37   更新时间:2020-01-02 08:45:37